Children's Rehabilitation Warsaw

Publication date: 09.08.2019

Diverse diseases, accident injuries or developmental irregularities… there are many reasons why your child may be rehabilitated. As for children, it is important that we choose therapy methods professionally and assure a suitable atmosphere. It is necessary that your child is willing to undergo the therapy.

If your child needs rehabilitation for children, use support provided by experts in Damiana Medical Center.

Rehabilitation for children in Warsaw – what we offer

Rehabilitation in Warsaw is provided even to babies. It may take the following forms:

  • Post-traumatic,
  • Neurological,

In addition, we provide therapy serving to support posture correction and therapy aimed at improving everyday activities.

The following methods are adopted to rehabilitate children:

  • NDT Bobach method,
  • Vojty method,
  • Sensory integration method.

We also perform a computerized feet examination.

Why is it advisable to choose child rehabilitation in Damiana Medical Center?

  • Your child will be attended to by a group of experts: specialist doctors and experienced physiotherapists.
  • We adopt modern methods dedicated to child’s needs.
  • We assure a friendly atmosphere which encourages your child to take part in the rehabilitation actively.

Contact us and arrange a visit!