Orthopaedics and traumatology

Publication date: 14.08.2019
Orthopaedics and traumatology

Was your orthopedic surgery postponed or cancelled? Are you suffering because of orthopedic disorders or pain? Reschedule today – don’t risk your health. Orthopedic Clinic at Damiana Hospital is open and ready to serve you.

The term "orthopedic disorders" is very extensive and can mean many musculoskeletal disorders, each with a different characteristic, cause and severity of symptoms. Among them we can distinguish sports injuries, birth defects and post-traumatic diseases. One of the methods is to perform the procedures or operations - some of them should be performed as soon as possible, and some in theory may be postponed. Only in theory thought, because any delay not only exposes the patient to additional suffering, but also can aggravate the problem

In the Damiana Hospital, orthopaedic procedures are performed in line with the latest achievements of medicine in this field.

Plasma-rich therapies using the Angel method or regenerative cells using the Cytori method in the early stages of degenerative diseases or in post-traumatic treatment are excellent alternatives to surgical treatment. In the case of changes requiring a surgery, they are successfully used as a complementary treatment as they support healing and convalescence. This allows the patients to return to their top form faster. Learn more about stem cells in orthopaedics.

Range of orthopaedic procedures

Surgeons: Damian Zaborowski MD, Marcin Wojtkowski MD:

  • hip replacement (endoprosthesis)

Surgeons: Damian Zaborowski MD, Dariusz Uryszek MD, Jakub Bryll MD:

  • fracture fixations
  • setting broken, fractured and dislocated bones

Surgeons: Damian Zaborowski MD, Michał Bzinkowski MD, Marcin Wojtkowski MD:

  • surgical correction of bunions

Surgeons: Anna Skowrońska MD, Ewa Karaszkiewicz-Mucharska MD, Dariusz Uryszek MD:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • ganglion cysts
  • Guyon's canal syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome

Surgeons: Anna Skowrońska MD, Ewa Karaszkiewicz-Mucharska MD:

  • Dupuytren's contracture
  • de Quervain syndrome
  • inflammations of tendon sheaths

Surgeons: Damian Zaborowski MD, Dariusz Uryszek MD:

  • knee, shoulder and elbow arthroscopy
  • platelet-rich plasma administration – the Angel method

Surgeons: Damian Zaborowski MD:

  • adipose regenerative derived cell (ARDC) therapy
  • ARDC therapy with stem cell lipotransfer

Care departement is aviable for you from Monday to Friday from 07.00 to 16.00:

Orthopedic Clinic at Damiana Hospital

  • experienced doctors
  • diagnostic
  • quick qualification for surgery
  • individual care

Range of orthopedic surgeries

Knee arthroscopy - indications for this procedure include lack of mobility within the knee joints, degenerative changes, rheumatoid arthritis or periarticular cysts . Arthroscopy involves the insertion of a special endoscope through small incisions into the joints, so that the surgeon obtains an accurate picture of the affected area on the screen. This allows a detailed analysis of the affected site. It's the so-called diagnostic arthroscopy, which can be extended to include therapeutic arthroscopy. Then, using special precision tools, and having insight into the image on the monitor screen, the doctor can, for example, clean the joint or repair damaged structures. Arthroscopy may also involve the shoulder or elbow joints.

Platelet-rich plasma treatment using the Angel system -This procedure is performed in cases such as the regeneration of damaged Achilles tendon, knee arthritis, the need to stimulate ligaments, tendons and articular cartilage. Before surgery, the patient's blood is separated and then platelet rich plasma is obtained.. The solution obtained  in this way is applied to the diseased area (e.g. around the knee joints), thanks to which the production of new collagen is intensified, which is the main component of joints, tendons and cartilage.

Carpal tunnel release surgery – carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) symptoms include intense tingling, pain, stiffness or numbness of the fingers. The main cause is pressure and irritation of the median nerve.  Very often these problems intensify at night, which is why people suffering from CTS often wake up because of great discomfort. The causes include the nature of work (in front of a computer) or intensive physical exercises that require keeping the hand in one forced position. The procedure involves removing or cleaning the areas around the wrist that lead to the said pressure on the nerve and cause the described discomfort.

Endoprosthesis of hip and knee joints - endoprosthesis is nothing more than an artificial joint that is implanted when patient's joints have been damaged to such an extent that they cannot be cured by other methods such as rehabilitation or pharmacotherapy. The operation is completely painless for the patient, because it is carried out most often under general anesthesia (less often spinal). The first stage of surgery is to remove damaged parts of the joints and thoroughly clean the affected area. The surgeon then affixes the endoprosthesis and controls both its range of motion. The final step is fastening of the artificial joint and special drains that perform an extremely important function - their role is to drain excess blood. The treatment requires almost immediate start of rehabilitation, which is individually selected by the treating physician. It is also necessary for the patient to stay in the hospital for several days for ongoing observation.

Other procedures also include: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, big toe (hallux) surgery, hip replacement.