Kinesio Taping Method

Publication date: 09.08.2019

Kinesio Taping is a therapeutic method where a therapist applies to the body elastic adhesive tape in a particular way.

The method is used in sports medicine in case of injury or strain. It is used in orthopaedics and rehabilitation, too. This method facilitates the body’s natural healing process. It acts directly on the skin (pain receptors, deep sensibility) and lymphatic system, muscles and joints. At the same time, it reduces pain and unnatural sensations of the skin by activating anaesthic system.

Kinesio Taping is a therapy facilitating treatment of many ailments. It is used as a sport physiotherapy for professional and amateurs. It is a method of pain relief in case of joint of muscle contusions, lymphatic drainage, postoperative treatment (wound healing, reduction of oedemas, improvement of absorption of scars or fibrotic lesions) or during pregnancy.

This method may also be successfully used as an accompanying treatment of neurological, orthopaedic, gynaecological and paediatric disorders. Physical therapists’ experience shows that dynamic taping supports posture correction strategies.

How the tapes work

Kinezjo Taping has the ability to regulate hypertonia in the place where the tape is applied. It affects a range of muscle motion and their strength.

Applying the tape causes delicate lifting of the skin which forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space and allowing for a decrease in lymphatic oedema and lymphostasis (lymph microcirculation is improved).

It has analgesic properties, facilitates regeneration based on self-healing processes. During the healing process muscle and fascia tone becomes normalised which leads to correction of fascia and skin position, improving proprioception (the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body).

Elastic properties of the tape last for about 3-10 days depending on the producer, on average it is the period of 5-7 days. Therapeutic processes last 24 hours a day.

How does the treatment look like?

After establishing the dysfunctions, the therapist prepares tape strips: I, X, Y or fan. The choice of shape of the strip depends on the muscle where the tape is going to be applied and the indications. There are a few techniques of applying the tape depending on the aim of the therapy. In order for the therapy to be successful it is necessary to diagnose the patient, chose and apply the tape using the right technique.

Preparation for the treatment:

In order for the tape to adhere well to the body, the part of the body must be clean, dry and not lubricated. If there is too much hair, it must be removed.

Indications for Kinezjo Taping

Taping can be used in many ailments and it can constitute a wonderful supplementation of rehabilitation or other therapies. The usage is very wide. Any part of the body can be taped depending on the type of ailment and the aim we want to achieve by the therapy.

Starting from taping of the limbs up to the spine, head or face. Taping is also used for lymphatic oedema, for example after mastectomy or limbs oedema but also on scars, after the operation.